Wills and Estates
As difficult as it may be to think of the passing of a loved one, arranging a will early in advance is crucial to ensure your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes.
A will allows you to define how you want your assets to be distributed in the event of your demise. It allows you to appoint an executor to administer your estate, which is important if you want to ensure your estate is managed according to your wishes. Having a will in place also helps avoid any family disputes or confusion when it comes to distributing your assets.
Our team can assist you with all aspects of wills and estates, including drafting a will, ensuring that your will is properly executed, and updating or amending your will to reflect your changing needs and circumstances.
Our team will provide you with expert legal advice on the content of your will, ensuring it reflects your interests and wishes and complies with all legal requirements of the province of Ontario.
Drafting Wills
Our team will help you draft a will that reflects your interests and wishes, advising you on the best estate planning strategies to minimize taxes and ensure your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes. Form of the Will Questionnaire you can find at the chapter "Links"
We will ensure your will is free of errors and meets all legal requirements, reducing the risk of disputes or the will being deemed invalid.
If your family situation is complex (e.g. multiple marriages, dependents with special needs, blended families) our team will help you draft a will that takes into consideration all these circumstances, reducing the risk of disputes. Regardless of the complexity of your family situation, Poluektov Law is here to help.
Power of Attorney (for health care and personal property)
Arranging a power of attorney (be it for health or to administer estates) is especially important if you do not have any relatives or if you want to appoint a particular person to make decisions on your behalf in the event of your incapacity.
Our team will guide you through all aspects of appointing a power of attorney for health or personal property so you can make an informed decision about the person you want to make decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated.
We can tailor the power of attorney to fit your specific circumstances and make sure it accurately reflects your interests and wishes. We will draft your power of attorney for health/personal property in plain language to minimize any misunderstanding or disputes, ensuring you have the peace of mind that your affairs will be handled in the way you want.